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Susan J. Demas: As other states attack LGBTQ+ kids, Michigan emerges as a safe haven


Susan J. Demas: As other states attack LGBTQ+ kids, Michigan emerges as a safe haven

By Susan J. Demas
Susan J. Demas: As other states attack LGBTQ+ kids, Michigan emerges as a safe haven
Susan J. Demas illustration

After decades of fighting for basic rights and dignity, LGBTQ+ people last week finally became full and equal citizens in Michigan.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Thursday signed a landmark bill expanding the state’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) that bars discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. The Lansing ceremony was marked by hugs and more than a few tears of joy and relief.

“I’m proud to have been a long time ally of the LGBTQ+ community,” Whitmer told me on Saturday. “Getting Michigan on the right side of history is important for so many reasons — for our economy, for our ability to draw and retain talent, and most importantly for individual Michiganders who’ve for too long been the target of ignorance and cruelty.”

That ignorance and cruelty was on full display during last year’s election when Michigan Republicans, led by gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon, explicitly ran on an anti-LGBTQ+ platform of banning books, barring trans kids from playing school sports and enacting a Florida-style “Don’t Say Gay” law for classrooms.

Everything was designed to tell LGBTQ+ people — especially children — that there was something deeply wrong with them and society must be protected from them, resurrecting Dark Ages arguments that many (wrongly) assumed had died with the U.S. Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage in 2015. 

If you are a parent like me who has been blessed with LGBTQ+ children, watching grown adults delight in jeering and bullying vulnerable kids to score political points has been both sickening and terrifying.

– Susan J. Demas

Some Republicans like state Sen. Lana Theis (R-Brighton) even smeared straight Democrats supporting LGBTQ+ rights as “groomers,” like fellow Sen. Mallory McMorrow (D-Royal Oak) — whose fiery rebuttal became a national sensation and transformed her into a fundraising juggernaut.

As it turned out, the GOP badly overplayed their hand and their bigoted strategy failed spectacularly in 2022. 

Dixon lost by a humiliating 11-point margin, helping Democrats achieve what many pundits deemed impossible: They flipped both chambers of the Legislature for the first time in almost 40 years.

That paved the way for long-stalled action in the Legislature on LGBTQ+ civil rights, with the bill even garnering a smattering of GOP votes, culminating with Whitmer signing it on Thursday. 

When I asked Attorney General Dana Nessel — the first out gay top official in Michigan who previously argued one of the cases rolled into the Obergefell marriage equality case — if she ever thought that day would come, she was blunt, as usual.

“Up until Election Eve or the day after last November, no. I mean, I literally did not think it would ever come, and I think that’s why I worked so hard to find other avenues,” Nessel told me, noting her previous work on constitutional amendments and the Rouch World discrimination cases. 

As the most high-profile gay woman in the state, Nessel has had to endure endless personal attacks like her GOP opponent, Matt DePerno, berating her as the “Groomer General,” as well as dour braying from GOP operatives who didn’t take kindly to her obvious joke about putting drag queens in every school.

Susan J. Demas: As other states attack LGBTQ+ kids, Michigan emerges as a safe haven
Attorney General Dana Nessel speaks at a bill signing ceremony for Senate Bill 4, which expands the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act to include protections for the LGBTQ+ community, on March 16, 2023. (Andrew Roth/Michigan Advance)

Nessel, who’s managed to keep her wicked sense of humor intact even after four years in office, decided to celebrate her resounding 9-point win last year with some good friends and a drag show. And now she’s savoring a key victory for LGBTQ+ civil rights.

“To go from where we were just prior to the day we won the Obergefell case in 2015, no protections against hate crimes, no marriage, no adoption rights, no protections for education, employment, housing, public accommodations — and now today, we have all of those things. That’s pretty dramatic,” she declared. “That’s a pretty quick turn of events.”

But many Republicans’ dedication to losing ugly last year — particularly by vilifying LGBTQ+ people at every turn — made the last months of the election incredibly painful for far too many.

If you are a parent like me who has been blessed with LGBTQ+ children, watching grown adults delight in jeering and bullying vulnerable kids to score political points has been both sickening and terrifying. 

I can’t speak to why these people are so profoundly broken, but I am grateful that most Michiganders saw them for who they are.

And I do know how important it is to have a governor who gets it. Seeing Whitmer embrace her daughter, Sherry, was one of the most emotional moments at last week’s ceremony.

“As the proud mom of a gay woman, signing the bill with my daughter by my side made me so happy,” Whitmer told me. “Like any parent, I will always fight for her right to be who she is, to make her own decisions and to have the same legal protections anyone else does. For all the people who’ve fought for her and her generation of queer Michiganders — thank you.” 

Whitmer, a former legislative leader who wasn’t afraid to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights during the early 2000s when many Democrats didn’t, was also the first governor to fly Pride flags outside her office. She urged Michiganders to “vote [and] keep your sleeves rolled up because we have much more to do!” 

Susan J. Demas: As other states attack LGBTQ+ kids, Michigan emerges as a safe haven
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer with her daughter, Sherry, as she signs Senate Bill 4, which expands the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act to include protections for the LGBTQ+ community, on March 16, 2023. (Andrew Roth/Michigan Advance)

That’s because we all know the fight isn’t over, as hundreds of anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced across the country this year. People living in red states like Florida and Tennessee continue to be scapegoated and stripped of basic rights and medical care.  

“It’s definitely a scary time,” Nessel said, “and my heart just breaks for young people who have to see and hear the vitriolic diatribes coming out of those who just even oppose the right for LGBTQ people to exist.”

But she argues that a strong majority supports LGBTQ+ equality — something backed up in polling. Nessel also drew a parallel with something U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Lansing) noted at a gun reform rally at the Michigan Capitol last week led by a mass shooting survivor, former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords.

“[Slotkin] talked about the very obnoxious, but very loud, small number of people that were actually protesting the rally. … Maybe it was a couple dozen people at best, compared to the many, many hundreds that were there to support the speakers,” Nessel said.

Those pro-gun activists sounded air horns and sirens, even as students shared the horror of surviving school shootings — and memories of their friends who didn’t.

“I truly believe that is the makeup of the people who are opposing LGBTQ rights,” Nessel told me. “I do think it is the loud, very vocal, but very small minority of people in our state.”