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Idahoans encouraged to celebrate MLK Day at state Capitol with ceremony, service project donations


Idahoans encouraged to celebrate MLK Day at state Capitol with ceremony, service project donations

By Christina Lords
Idahoans encouraged to celebrate MLK Day at state Capitol with ceremony, service project donations
American civil rights campaigner Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King lead a black voting rights march from Selma, Alabama, to the state capital in Montgomery. (William Lovelace/Express/Getty Images)

The public is invited to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday at the Idaho Capitol Building in Boise. The event will feature ceremonies from noon to 1 p.m. on the second floor of the Statehouse’s rotunda.

Lt. Gov. Scott Bedke will join Mamie Oliver, Ph.D., for the celebration, according to a press release from the Idaho Department of Labor.

“Oliver is an ordained minister, educator, psychotherapist and author,” the release states. “She served as a tenured professor of social work and as the internship coordinator at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa.”

Bedke and Oliver will be accompanied by the Boise State University Trumpet Studio under the direction of Derek Ganong, the Common Ground Community Chorus, the Oinkari Basque Dancers, the Boise Chinese Traditional Dance Group, Danza Azteca Tonatiuh and Odissi Natya Sala Boise, according to the release. Serve Idaho, the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism, will host a service project table to benefit Meals on Wheels, Boise Community Schools and the Boise State University Food Pantry.

During the ceremony, Idahoans are encouraged to decorate cards and bring donation items to benefit the organizations.

Needed items include:

  • children’s underwear sizes 6-8, 10-12, 14-16 (S, M and L);
  • reusable water bottles;
  • breakfast bars or granola bars;
  • fruit cups or fruit snacks;
  • and cereal or oatmeal.

This year is the 38th year that Idaho has celebrated the holiday, which is also celebrated in the state as Idaho Human Rights Day.