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Debt ceiling deal would complete Mountain Valley Pipeline and more Va. headlines


Debt ceiling deal would complete Mountain Valley Pipeline and more Va. headlines

By Staff Report
Debt ceiling deal would complete Mountain Valley Pipeline and more Va. headlines
The state Capitol. (Ned Oliver/ Virginia Mercury)

• The federal debt ceiling deal includes surprise approval of the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline project that would cross through Virginia.—POLITICO

• Six Virginia newspapers owned by Lee Enterprises announced they’re cutting print publication to three days a week and sending readers their papers through the regular mail.—Cardinal News

• The legal battle over admissions at Virginia’s Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology could be the U.S. Supreme Court’s next big case dealing with diversity efforts in education.—New York Times

• A judge dismissed a second lawsuit seeking to block the Prince William Digital Gateway data center project.—Prince William Times

• Charlottesville officials are debating whether to try to revive a faded Coca-Cola “ghost sign” near the city’s Downtown Mall.—Daily Progress